品名:2016 大象巡遊
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2016 大象巡遊
「大象巡遊」是全球最具規模的手繪大象雕塑藝術展,是由 Marc及Mike Spits兩父子於2006年創辦。當時Marc在泰國遇見了一頭名為Mosha的小象,Mosha因為踩到地雷而失去她的前右肢。後來她成為全球首頭接受義肢治療的小象。Mosha既是「大象巡遊」的靈感泉源,亦象徵著活動的使命。
巡遊足跡至今已走過了倫敦、米蘭、新加坡、加州、香港等19座城市,全球超過1000多名藝術家、設計師及時尚名人共設計了1000多座獨具個性的大象藝術雕塑,每一件作品都是獨一無二的,全球數以百萬的人們已經與這群「大象們」親密接觸。「大象巡遊」特色之一是吸引眾多國際知名人士及藝術界大師級人馬參與。其中包括時裝設計師 Paul Smith 和 Tommy Hilfiger;皇室成員約克公爵夫人薩拉和丹麥亨利王子;以及Katy Perry、Goldie Hawn、Michael Palin和Khloe Kardashian等世界級巨星以及社會名流。
Elephant Parade has recently opened the gates of Elephant Parade Land to the public. Guests can visit our museum, movie room and library, enjoy a behind the scenes tour of our production studio and see the garden filled with colorful life-size baby elephant statues.
We want to tell the story of Elephant Parade’s 10-year existence, share our mission to protect the endangered Asian elephant and the conservation projects that we have supported.
At our museum, guests can learn about Elephant Parade’s worldwide journey while skimming through our past parade archive, find out about the uniqueness of the magnificent elephants at our elephant fun fact wall and elephant library, educate about the importance of elephant conservation by watching short films in our movie room and much more!
以上文案介紹來自於 http://www.skm.com.tw/event/2016elephant/story.html