179.社會行動工廠-Rocky Cajigan 駐村成果展

品名:社會行動工廠-Rocky Cajigan 駐村成果展

【社會行動工廠】­ 是藝術家Rocky Cajigan針對他在台灣所遇見的原住民族—凱達格蘭大道上捍衛部落傳統領域的非暴力抗爭、阿里山新美村推動原生物種及自然作物的鄒族聚落、都蘭部落製作傳統竹筏的阿美族耆老及藝術家們所作的考察敘述。Cajigan透過他身為原住民族的生命經驗,重新建構旅途中的記述,並融入了駐村地能盛興工廠國際藝術村的前世今生,於此產出了這次的展覽創作。能盛興工廠過去由紡織工廠轉變成鐵工廠,現在則蛻變成藝術展演空間,甚而延展至各類型活動及社會行動的基地;由社會行動者、環保分子、藝術家、音樂家、文化工作者和活動志工們交會,凝聚能量綻放火花。

Cajigan 在【社會行動織品】作品裡,寄喻了他在凱道土地抗爭行動中,所注意到的那些交雜的聲音以及備受標籤所捆綁的各種社會行動意識。在這當中,他回憶起年輕的抗爭者、藝術家、環保分子穿戴著彩虹旗以及婚姻平權別針,彷彿參與的是截然不同的抗議場合。此次展覽中的裝置作品由數條從狹小的展區向著小小的天井懸掛的紅色長布帶交織著。這項作品與世界各地原住民文化中常見的傳統織布機相似—包括Cajigan從小生長的聚落Bontok;幼年時他總是看著阿姨們使用織布機編織著傳統服飾。觀者能夠在紅布帶寫上自己對於「社會行動是甚麼?」此問題的回應,並將答案編織進這項作品裡。


藝術家Rocky Cajigan來自菲律賓Bontok族,目前活躍於碧瑤城。他的視覺作品大多為裝置藝術及繪畫,題材大量聚焦於身分認同及原住民文化裡的過渡性及去殖民化。他的工作包括科迪勒拉行政區的社區組織及藝術計畫管理。他亦為2016年度菲律賓艾騰尼奧藝術大獎 - Fernando Zóbel Prizes for Visual Art大獎得主。

Factory of Activisms is Rocky Cajigan’s examination of the identity narratives of the indigenous persons he met in Taiwan – at an aboriginal land rights protest in Taipei; a Tsou farming community in Alishan; and the Amis boat maker and indigenous artists in Doulan. He reconstructs these narratives through his own indigenous history and through the history of Neng Sheng Xing Factory where the works were created and are now exhibited.Formerly a fabric and then metal factory,Neng Sheng Xing is now an event space for local art and activism run by a group of activists, environmentalists, artists, cultural workers, musicians, and volunteers.

In the piece ‘Fabric of Activisms’, Cajigan alludes to the intricacy of voices among the indigenous people he met and the label-wary intersectional activisms he saw at the aboriginal land rights protest in Taipei. In that instance he remembered young protesters, musicians and environmentalists wore rainbow flags and “legalize gay marriage” pins almost as if attending the wrong protest. The installation is composed of strips of red fabric running through a narrow space within the site towards a small atrium. It resembles a traditional backstrap loom as is shared by many indigenous cultures including his own Bontok community where in his childhood he wood constantly watch his grandaunts weave traditional garments. Viewers are welcome to write answers to the question “What does activism mean to you?” on a strip of red fabric and weave their own answers into the body of the installation.

Cajigan also examines the correlation between intersectionality of voice with indigenous communality. Growing up in an indigenous community that still retains communal values and rituals, he regards this piece as a coming-of-age experience and as a personal excavation site of his indigeneity. He means to emphasize the rapid modern-day transitioning of indigenous cultures within neo-colonial capital structures and institutions. As part of the installation, a faux archeological excavation site of a grave containing weaving implements is constructed under the loom. On the walls hang paintings depicting reworked images of the Peinan Excavation Site at the Beinan Cultural Park in Taitung.

Rocky Cajigan is an indigenous Bontok artist currently based in Baguio City, Philippines. His visual work, mostly in assemblage and painting, are largely focused on identity issues and the transitioning of and decolonization in indigenous cultures. His work includes community organizing and art projects management in the Cordillera in Luzon. He is a recipient of the Ateneo Art Awards 2016 – Fernando Zobel Prizes for Visual Art.




